Gracie and Pedro, two beloved pets who can’t stand each other, are thrust into an unexpected adventure after they are separated from their family during a cross-country move. Stranded in an unfamiliar land, spoiled show dog Gracie and street cat Pedro must put aside their differences and rely on each other to find their way home. Along their journey, they meet colorful characters and face terrifying obstacles, ultimately discovering their shared determination and love for their family.
한국부유식풍력㈜ / 이스트블루파워㈜
Korea Floating Wind Co., Ltd. / East Blues Power Co., Ltd.
44726, 울산 남구 삼산로 182, 보림타워 16층(남구 달동 117-4)
T. 052-227-5400 F. 052-227-5401
Bolim Tower 16FL, 182 Samsan-ro
Nam-gu, Ulsan, Republic of Korea (44726)
☎ +82-52-227-5400 | (Fax) +82-52-227-5401
© Copyrights KOREA FLOATING WIND Power Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
© Copyrights KOREA FLOATING WIND Power Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.