Korea Floating Wind acquired 90% of EBP1 from Kumyang Electrical Co. on 28 May 2020.
May 2020 – Built Partnership with Kumyang Electrical Co.,ltd

Korea Floating Wind acquired 90% of EBP1 from Kumyang Electrical Co. on 28 May 2020.
Korea Floating Wind and the city of Ulsan signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Jan 2019, to commit mutual cooperation and support in developing floating offshore wind farms in the Ulsan region.
한국 부유식 풍력과 울산시는 울산지역 부유식 해상풍력발전단지 개발을 위한 상호 협력 및 지원을 위해 2019년 1월 양해각서(MOU)를 체결했습니다.